Friday, February 11, 2011

Tour of Israel, Feb. 11th

Mount of Beatitudes

This is taken from the top of the Mount of Beatitudes, where Christ was believed to preach the Beatitudes in Matthew 5 to people lining the hill where the rocks are. The breeze from the Sea of Galilee (hard to see, but is in the top-left corner) is thought to have carried his voice like an amphitheater and enabled thousands of people to hear who were lining the hillside.

Another shot from the top of the hill

After feeling bad breaking this Olive Tree's branch, Joanna holds it up effortlessly in this pose.

Just kidding.


The ancient city of Chorazin is one of the 3 main cities where Christ taught; there was no residential Rabbi, so he traveled there to teach. Christ rebuked the city for their wickedness and lack of repentance in Matthew 11.

Here are some of the ruins from Chorazin, dating back to the 1st Century.

A picture of synagogue remains in Chorazin; this was the primary place for worship and scripture teaching, but also was the location of court, day care, and meetings. It is assumed that Christ taught in this very synagogue!


Next we visited Capernaum; this was a city where Jesus performed many of his miracles. Also, some creepy guy is watching us.

This is a holy place... if you're caught walking your dog while smoking a cigarette, they'll shoot your children.

Tradition states that the inner circle pictured on the right was Peter's house; the other walls were a church later built around the site.

The synagogue in Capernaum is shown here – the base (dark stone) is from the original in the 1st Century, and the rest of it (lighter limestone) was from the part rebuilt in the 4th Century.

Us in the synagogue; behind us the door faces Jerusalem, as is the case in all synagogues.

These 2 stones (millstones) were used to crush wheat and turn it into flour.

Most signs were in Hebrew, Arabic, and English throughout Israel.


We stopped along the side of the road here at Kursi, which is likely the very spot mentioned in Luke 8 where a demon possessed man was healed by Jesus. Basically 1000 demons were cast into a herd of pigs, and then they proceeded to throw themselves off this cliff. Better the pigs than us.

Another picture from atop Kursi; these are quite possibly the tombs on the side of the cliff where the demon possessed man lived before he was healed.

These Cokes, in all their Hebrew glory, were $3 each.

This was lunch right on the Sea of Galilee – fresh Talapia caught that day.

Sea of Galilee – Ancient Boat

Here is a 2,000 year old fishing boat, discovered about 30 years ago and carefully preserved in a museum by the Sea of Galilee. Unfortunately we didn't get a ride.

At this museum, even breathing was frowned upon.

Sea of Galilee – Boat Trip

We got to take a boat ride in the Sea of Galilee... talk about surreal... the same ride taken by Jesus and his disciples, the place where Christ walked on water and calmed the storm!

Our fearless tour guides! (otherwise known as my grandparents, Barry and Jean Keiser) Also my cousin Andy who lives in Japan is with us, which is pretty awesome.

A view of Mount Arbel from the Sea of Galilee; we'll be up there tomorrow and have pictures of the opposite view.

The ancient city of Tiberias, but slightly more modern now than it was 2,000 years ago.

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